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The View Hotel
South East
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East Sussex, BN21 4DN
Special Offer
Two Night Specials, Mid Week Promotions and Exclusive Rates
Eastbournes number one contemporary sea view hotel
When you stay beside the sea, isn’t it great to have a balcony, your own private little space where you can just kick back and relax and look out at the view? Well, that’s what sets The View Hotel apart from the other luxury hotels in Eastbourne.
We’re the only hotel on the seafront that can offer you the option of balcony rooms.A great hotel experience isn’t just about a pretty view though. Staying with us, whether it’s for a break at the seaside or a convenient place to stay whilst travelling on business, means that you will be well looked after and have everything you could possibly want.
Put plainly and simply, we want you to know that … you’re welcome.
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