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Erleben Sie gehobene Restaurants und Kunstgalerien an der kreativen Küste der Grafschaften Kent und Sussex

Indem Sie Margate als Ausgangspunkt wählen, können Sie entdecken, was Kent und Sussex zum perfekten Reiseziel in der Vorweihnachtszeit macht: eine aufregende Mischung aus herrlicher Küstenlandschaft, erstklassigen Restaurants, kreativen und exklusiven Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sowie bedeutender Geschichte.

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Top places to visit on the South West Coast Path in Winter from a trail runner!

Frances Mills is a trail runner and tour guide for Active England Tours, she has spent the past three winters running around the 2,700 miles of England’s Coast. This blog highlights some of Frances’ favourite places to visit along the South West Coast Path, including some great personal tales and also her top tips for winter travel in Cornwall.

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48 hours on the North York Moors Coast

The dramatic coastline of the North York Moors National Park is a perfect choice for those who want to experience a sense of England’s history in a truly dramatic landscape.

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Art in Staithes and the North York Moors Coast

For generations, artists have been inspired by the breath-taking coastline of the North York Moors. With its rugged natural beauty, boundless skies and incredible Northern light it makes the perfect break.

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Fossilienjagd am Strand

Die Jagd nach Fossilien ist an der englischen Küste extrem beliebt. Wenn Sie Leute sehen – Erwachsene, Familien, Kinder –, die in Felsen am Strand herumstöbern, hoffen diese aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach, einen Dinosaurierwirbel oder Ammoniten ans Tageslicht zu befördern.

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48 hours in… Margate, Broadstairs, Ramsgate - Isle of Thanet

Get away from it all and enjoy the refreshing sea air, big skies and spectacular beaches and bays of Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate. Chill or be active, the choice is yours.

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48 hours on the Durham Coast

Durham’s coast is home to a dramatic stretch of designated heritage coastline, overflowing with wonderful wildlife, magnificent beaches, clifftop walks and waves of coastal charm, perfect for a stress-busting break.

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